Rose Akua Atta Mensah", popularly known as Kyeiwaa, is a Ghanaian actress. She perfectly played the role of a witch in the film dubbed Kyeiwaa hence her nickname. She has also starred in several other films such as Akonoba, Aberbrese, Cross Road, and Ogyam.
Kyeiwaa has not been seen in the new movies for a while due to her migration to the States to better her life away from the evil industry she found herself . There is rumors that she now sells Banku in America which she says it pays well than all her previous roles she played in the Ghanaian movie industry .
“For over four years before I left Ghana, I was not shooting any movie because producers believed I was outdated. It was at a meeting they agreed to sideline me. I would have been long dead if I was still in Ghana due to hunger,” she fumed.”
When you come to Ghana and you are looking for Patience Ozokwor they will show you Kyeiwaa they play a similar role atleast this gives you an idea.